Tom's Media Portfolio
Introduction to Prelim Task
The 180-degree rule is a rule where when there is an interaction such as shot-reverse shot, the camera cannot pass a line that runs through the people talking so that the scene will make sense in terms of where the characters are.
Shot-Reverse Shot is a technique which often happens during a conversation between two people and can be used to suggest closeness between two characters or just to make a conversation have logical sense in where the characters are in the shot.
Match on Action is a technique in which two different shots are put together to show a continuous action from two different angles in a way that makes sense and that ignores minor continutiy errors. Two examples of Match on Action can be seen in this video
Match On Action
Shot-Reverse Shot
180 Degree Rule
The "Preliminary Task" was a project given to us where we have to make a roughly 30 second piece using 3 media techniques: Match on Action, Shot-Reverse Shot and the 180 Degree Rule. The task also had to focus around two people, one of whom was walking into a room and sitting down. They then exchange two lines of dialogue minimum.
Members in Group: Tom Daniels, Amber Castillo-Roman, Megan Lunn, Annie Birch