Tom's Media Portfolio
We went for a distorted font choice to reflect the antagonist presented in the scene, and also decided on a font that would be sans-serif so that the credits are easy to read.
We chose four main font choices, and created a short questionnaire about which one is the favourite. We also used this as an opportunity to find out the opinion on the title we had picked, 'Delirium', and whether or not we should change that title. The four fonts we picked are, as shown here: 'Depressionist Three', 'Rabid Science', 'KopanyicaStrasse', and 'Wrong Time, Wrong Place'.
This PDF file shows all of the responses that we got from the research on typography. From it, we can see that the most popular font choice is 'Rabid Science' and the name 'Delirium' for a thriller is a good choice
Main Title
Individual Credits
This is the font that will be used for the main title of the scene, which is Delirium (which is why we put that word as the example on the questionnaire)
This is the text that will be used for each of the individual credits that appear throughout the scene (such as "edited by", the actors etc.)
This was the questionnaire we printed out and gave to people for this part of the research. Similar to before, we chose 5 different font choices and then asked them the two questions shown here, The name of the fonts are, from A-E: 'Thirteenth Floor', 'Corner Dark', Handful of Nothing', 'They're Coming to Take Me Away', and 'Feel the Universe'
1. Which one do you think matches the genre (Psychological Thriller)?
2. Which one is your favourite